Callum Akehurst-Ryan

Callum Akehurst-Ryan

Senior Test Engineer with 10+ years as a software tester across the banking, broadcast and commercial industries.
Testing · Video
This webinar shares practical advice on the types of testing that should be added to your CI/CD pipeline, and explores the ways that testers and developers can collaborate to improve continuous testing.
To achieve continuous deployment, we need to achieve continuous confidence of our software. We need to think about Continuous Testing.
As a tester in a cross disciplined agile team I frequently talk to and teach developers what Exploratory Testing is and how to do it. This account shows what I've been talking about and explains why it's beneficial for other testers to do the same.
All companies need to be warned about the consequences of sending their testers to conferences.... (especially ones that are inclusive and considerate of their attendees)
This year marked the kick-off of Scott Logic’s involvement in LGBTQ+ Pride Month activities around the company, involving people in activities and events that educated, stimulated conversations and raised £850.00 for local LGBTQ+ charities.
As we become increasingly technical as testers we run the risk of joining an engineering monoculture. Diversity of thought and people within teams can help to address that and allow us to improve quality.


Webinar: Creating continuous testing
01 April 2020
14 November 2019
Queer Code London
17 October 2019
Test.bash(); Manchester 2019
04 October 2019
#19 South West Test
20 August 2019
Ministry of Testing Newcastle
15 July 2019
Test Brekkie – the human side of testing
06 February 2019