Luke Page


Luke Page

A look at some of the more unusual parts of JavaScript by examining seven things I've learnt recently.
In the second post of my series on the Aurelia framework I walkthrough bundling the less2css project. The result of which significantly reduced the load time, but did uncover a few aspects of the Aurelia bundling process that do not yet feel fully formed.
This post gives a walkthrough of a project that makes use of the new Aurelia framework. It also take a look at how it compares to Angular 2.0, which is still in development.
Airbnb's JavaScript coding standards are now based around ES6 and contain many guidelines to help you take advantage of its features. In this blog post I'll present some resources I created to help you learn ES6 through their guidelines.
When it comes to coding style in JavaScript, what makes most sense - one var declaration, multiple at the start or scoped?
Localising a web application to a high standard is difficult. Why is that? Consider the following differently formatted numbers...
I mentioned in the previous post that I would create a plugin for less which converted from LTR to RTL. Here is a tutorial post on creating that plugin.
Some languages of the world (Arabic, Hebrew etc.) are RTL, meaning they are read right-to-left, instead of left-to-right. Typically in web applications supporting one of these languages, everything is reversed, meaning scroll bars, progress indicators, buttons etc.
It has become generally accepted that a good project has a set of automated tests behind it - whether they be unit tests, integration tests or end-to-end tests. However I don't often hear people talking about the benefits vs cost and how much should be spent on particular projects.
This is a blog post about IE and how it handles windows running code which interacts with each other. I've created a test case that shows IE combine together two stacks so that code runs in a context which, when looking at the source code, seems impossible.
For a long time now, extends in less have been bubbling away. When I joined the less team in September last year it was one of the highest asked for feature requests. We decided that 1.3.x releases would fix bugs and implement minor feature requests and that 1.4.0 would include extends.
First off, this is a biased blog post as I am heavily involved in less.js at the moment.
Less.js can be run in two ways, firstly through node and secondly in the browser.
Luke Page, one of the project leads, gives an introduction to less.
This post is inspired by the news that text overflow ellipsis capabilities have reached the mozilla code base trunk (see bug). This should be in Firefox 7, which thanks to the new 6 week release cycles, won't be long.
At the weekend I released a new version of my JSLint for visual studio plugin.
In January of this year Douglas Crockford decided that some of the options in JSLint were generally accepted and should always be on.
In the first two parts I looked at different ways of performing dom manipulation tasks like adding rows to a table and sorting rows in a table.
I was reading an article on CSS 3 transitions that was very interesting, but as I was reading, it seemed like the feature was designed for CSS designers - the primary example was animating an effect on hover.
In the first part I created a simple speed test harness and found the best way of creating 100 rows in a large table, regardless of the CSS conditions. Now I'm going to do the same for sorting.
Over the last month or so, I've been interested in website performance.
So, in a previous post I pointed out some == coercing that was far from obvious. But despite gradually picking up edge cases, I've never had a true understanding of the various cases where x == y.
As I've previously mentioned JSLint is a tool by Douglas Crockford that checks code against various rules in order to find code that could potentially be buggy or ambiguous.
Js Lint is a tool created by Douglas Crockford to parse JavaScript, report errors and ensure good coding practices.
Recently I read Scott Guthrie's post on improved JavaScript Intellisense in Visual Studio 2010.