Mark Rhodes


Mark Rhodes

In this post I'll run through the development of DOM-Raphael, a basic CSS3 based JavaScript library which acts as a replacement for Raphael.
This post describes a jQuery plugin which performs "picker style" animations between numbers using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
This post looks at how to construct Java's built-in hash based Map implementations to ensure they have sufficient, but not excessive capacity.
This post describes an implementation of the Blake 512 hashing algorithm in JavaScript.
I've been working with Ext JS 4's pure Javascript charting package for a while now and due to the lack of decent real-world examples (i.e. those that don't just use almost all default settings) and a few undue omissions in the documentation, it's not always been plain sailing.
In my last post back in June, I introduced a new data structure, the PatchWorkArray.
This post outlines a general purpose alternative to ArrayLists which provide lazy insertions and deletions to speed up those operations.
This post describes the implementation of a List in Java which allows log time removals and insertions.
This post details a jQuery plugin which animates updates to HTML tables representing rankings.
This post goes through an implementation a SortedList in Java which ensures its elements are kept in order and guarantees O(log(n)) run time for all the basic operations.