Steven Hall


Steven Hall

Backbone.js is interesting because it gives you the basic framework of an MVC application without enforcing patterns on you.
My colleague Chris Price covered coming up with a "web-less webapp" in part one of this series.
I've recently been developing a web project using the Struts2 framework. A problem that came up during development was validation.
I was recently reading Google's JavaScript Style Guide when I came across the following claim...
Over the past few months I've been using the Closure Library to create my own JavaScript library that carries out some graphical processing. This is done entirely in JavaScript, using Closure's graphics package.
Apache Maven is a popular build management tool that we use at Scott Logic to handle our internal projects. When I began using the Closure Tools, integrating the Compiler into the Maven build process became an important task.
In November 2009, Google released their previously internal Closure Tools package, consisting of the Closure Library, Compiler and Templates.